
Randy orton debut
Randy orton debut

randy orton debut randy orton debut randy orton debut

The finish of the match saw Cena on the ladder while the bottom rope broke, so Orton used that broken rope to send Cena crashing into a nearby table. Basically, the brand extension was dead and they wanted to unify the two major titles into one, so that’s what this match was for. WWE tried billing this as the biggest match in WWE history. It was TLC 2013 with the WWE Champion Randy Orton facing World Champion John Cena in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match. Orton did go on to win the WWE Title against Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 33 in a not-so-memorable match.ġ. Even though Orton won the Rumble, he did not “headline” WrestleMania. Reigns popped right back up, then back into the ropes so that Orton could hit the clothesline over the top to the floor and give Orton the win. Orton was in the final two with Roman Reigns, who charged with a Spear attempt and Orton caught him with an RKO. The second time Orton won a Rumble match was in 2017 when he was a babyface on the Smackdown brand. That drew a huge pop since Orton was a babyface at the time. The finish of the match saw Roode going to the middle turnbuckle, he jumped off and Orton caught him with the RKO for the pinfall win. Robert Roode was the US Champion facing Orton. That was a move we weren’t expecting, nor have we ever seen before, so it really stood out as a big move and that’s why it drew a big reaction. It drew a huge ovation from the crowd even though Orton was the heel in the match. The Undertaker tried to give Orton a Chokeslam, but Orton countered it into an RKO. Counters The Undertaker’s Chokeslam Into an RKO That Armageddon 2003 PPV ended with Evolution standing together with all four men holding titles.ġ6. Orton would go on to have a memorable feud with Foley in 2004. Mick Foley was the referee that counted the pin. Orton beat RVD clean with an RKO at Armageddon 2003. The first title that Orton won in WWE was the Intercontinental Title when he beat Rob Van Dam.

Randy orton debut